Day 4-Church Unity

Day 4 - Church Unity

Scripture tells us in the book of Mark that a house divided against itself will not be able to stand.   Two days ago in our devotion on “spiritual revival”, we talked about the three keys to revival.  One of those keys was “unity”.  Whether it’s in a home, in the workplace, or in a church, there must be UNITY for God to work as He desires to work.  In his letter to the church at Corinth, Paul admonished them by saying to them that there should be no divisions among them, but that they should be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.  On the day of Pentecost that is spoken of in Acts chapter 2, when the Holy Ghost came down on the 120 people gathered in that room, the very first verse of the chapter states that everybody in the room that day were with “one accord” in one place.   The word “accord” means “to be harmonious” and it also is an “official treaty or agreement”.  That simply means they were together ... in agreement ... in one mind ... UNIFIED.   The atmosphere was set, and God did something that’s still changing our lives to this day.  We understand we may not always agree.  We are all individuals with our own ideas and opinions.  That’s part of what makes us unique.  But, God can operate when we learn, in spite of our differences, to come together as one.

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