Day 20 - Evangelism and Outreach

Day 20 - Evangelism and Outreach

Evangelism and outreach are different, yet within the Christian faith and the church, they work hand in hand towards reaching the same goal.   EVANGELISM is defined as “the spreading of the Gospel through public preaching or personal witness”.   OUTREACH is a more a hands-extended, hands-on approach to meeting the “needs” of others.  Evangelism is geared more towards the “spiritual”, where “outreach” is more focused on the “physical”.  They are each in support of the other.  With both, the goal is to point a person towards the cross and the gift of salvation.  I firmly believe that effective outreach can pave the way for effective evangelism.  If you meet a persons “physical” needs, they are often more attentive and more interested in what you have to “say”.   We’ve always heard it said, “Don’t TELL me you love me ... SHOW me!”  When I grew up in school we had what was called “Show and Tell” days where we were allowed to bring an item we liked and talk about it.  The SHOW came before the TELL. Through the ministry of OUTREACH, people SEE the love of Christ in action.  Through the ministry of EVANGELISM, people HEAR about the love of Christ.   The two work hand in hand.  Pray today that God will give you and your Avenue family opportunities to engage in BOTH.

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