Day 16 - Confidence

In Proverbs, chapter 3, the writer said, “The LORD will be your CONFIDENCE.”  I love that!  There are more people than we realize who seem to lack in the area of SELF-confidence.  Maybe things were said or done to them that brought pain, disappointment, and changed how THEY saw themselves.  Sometimes the lack of confidence in ourselves can be due to what’s called “suffer by COMPARISON”.  We look at others ... their accomplishments ... their personality ... their looks ... their popularity ... their position ... their success ... their influence ... their money.  We begin to feel LESSER than, because we COMPARE our lives to them, wanting to be more like them, having what they have, wondering what they did to get it.  This leads us to a place of dissatisfaction and discouragement.  There is a simple yet profound truth that we ALL must grab hold of and it’s this:   “God called YOU to be YOU!”   You are unique, designed and fashioned by the Creator Himself, and those whom you may be comparing yourself and your life too aren’t like YOU either.  

On another note, you may be a highly confident person in yourself, but you have a problem putting confidence in OTHERS.   You feel you’ve been let down a lot, misled, and betrayed by the words and actions of those you trusted.  Trustworthy, reliable, dependable people are out there.  Find that person or persons you can connect with ... share your heart with ... share your dreams with.  They could be looking for you also.  Bottom line, “The LORD will be your CONFIDENCE.”  Put ALL of your confidence in Him, and He’ll lead you to others.

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