Day 21- Prosperity

Day 21 - Prosperity

Often when a person thinks of the word “prosperity”, the word “money” seems to be the next word he/she thinks of.   It’s almost as if the two words are one.  When we hear of someone who is prospering, we tend to think it has to do with “finances”.  Yes, we all want to prosper financially, but there’s much more to it than money.  Living well financially is just one of MANY ways to prosper.  In the book of 3rd John, verse two, it says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy SOUL prospereth.”  This one verse brings the true meaning of prosperity into focus.  John is writing to a friend here.  I believe John desires that his friend prosper in everything and in his health, but goes on to say “as your SOUL prospers.”  In other words, “I want you to do well in every way, but I’m most interested in the prosperity of your own SOUL.”   The writer of the well-known spiritual song, “It is Well”, didn’t say, “It is well with my finances.”, “It is well with my relationships.”, or “It is well with my health.”  He penned, “It is well with my ... SOUL.”  True prosperity begins with the SOUL and its condition.   You can be doing well in almost every aspect of your life at the moment, flourishing, experiencing some successes, PROSPERING, but if your SOUL isn’t where it needs to be, nothing else matters.   I truly believe that if we concentrate on the state of our souls, making sure they’re in tune and in line with the Lord, we will see prosperity in other areas of our lives also.  Psalm chapter 1 tells us HOW to prosper.  It says if we do not walk in step with the wicked, stand in the way that sinners take, sit in the company of mockers, but delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on His law day and night, whatever we do will ... PROSPER.

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