Day 7 - Children/Youth/ College & Career Ministry

Day 7 - Children/Youth/ College & Career Ministry

In the book of 1st Timothy, chapter 4, it says,  “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are YOUNG, but set an example for the believers in speech, and conduct, in love, and faith, and in purity.”  So often in churches, the young get overlooked, because they are seen as having nothing to contribute ... nothing to bring to the table.  On the contrary, they carry their own God-given gifts, talents, and abilities.  In my years as a student pastor, I learned early that I needed to listen at times to my teenagers.   Obviously I spoke into their lives often, but there were times THEY also spoke into mine.  I’m thankful that at The Avenue, we make a place for our young to minister and put those gifts into action.  If there’s ever been a time that our kids, our teens, and our young adults need our prayers, love, and support ... IT’S NOW!  They are bombarded daily by the enemy’s agenda, who seeks to invade their thoughts and interrupt God’s plan for their lives.  Lift them up today in your prayers and pray that hedge of protection around them.

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