Day 5- Men's & Women's Ministries

Day 5 - Men’s and Women’s Ministries

David said that a MAN who FEARS the Lord and delights greatly in His commandments will be blessed.   Another verse says that charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a WOMAN who FEARS the Lord is to be praised.  There’s a key word in both passages that seems to stand out ... a word that plays a vital part in defining what a “godly” man and a “godly” woman should look like. That word is ... FEARS.  It’s not the same fear as in the fear of heights ... the fear of snakes ... the fear of public speaking ... or the fear of flying.  God is not asking or commanding us to be “afraid” of Him, His power, and what He can do.  It’s a “holy” fear ... a sacred fear ... a sense of respect and admiration ... a commitment to reverence.   A man and a woman who truly FEARS God and understands that fear will live in complete devotion to Him, serve Him to the fullest, and lead others to do the same.  We need more men and women like that in the church.   The world itself needs us to be that “man” and that “woman”.

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