Day 17- Faith

Day 17 - Faith

There’s much to be said about the topic of our prayer point today.   Many sermons, lessons, and devotions have been built around its truths.  Faith, or rather “KEEPING the faith”, can be challenging.  The attacks on our faith are not new, but they do seem to be increasing as time quickly marches on.  How important is it?  According to the Bible we are “saved through faith” ... we “hear by faith” ... we “walk by faith” ... “justified through faith in Christ” ... “made well by faith” ... told to “stand firm in the faith” ... we “ask in faith”.   Wow!   It seems as though faith is the basis of EVERYTHING. If we don’t have FAITH, what do we have?  Corrie Ten Boom once said, “Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.”  That’s the power of it, and our adversary the devil knows this.  It’s why he works diligently to blast our faith with every possible discouragement and delay.  The disciples could have asked for anything from Jesus, but in Luke 17, they only said, “Increase our FAITH.”   How do we KEEP the faith ... STRENGTHEN our faith ... INCREASE our faith?   The Bible makes it clear: “Faith comes by HEARING and hearing by the WORD OF GOD.”  Stay in the Word and listen to the voice of God ... get in and stay in a Bible-based, FAITH-based church ... surround yourself with friends of faith and encouragement ... and make a CHOICE to believe no matter how difficult the times.  In the parable of the sower, Luke 8:15 says, “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who HEAR THE WORD, RETAIN it, and by PERSEVERING produce a crop.”  Today, do as the disciples did and ask the Lord, “Increase my FAITH.”

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