Day 10- City/State/National Government Leaders

Day 10 - City/State/National Government Leaders

Our political leaders, whether local, state, or national always need us to lift them up in prayer, especially in the day we now live.  Every day they are faced with decisions that will be life-impacting for the American citizens they have been voted on or appointed to serve.  Their challenges are mounting as time presses on and the tasks don’t get any easier.  It takes great courage and commitment to do what they do.   When they step into those positions, they have to be willing to take the hits that come along with it.  Paul urges us in chapter two of his second  letter to Timothy (I Tim. 2:1-3) to pray, to intercede, and to be thankful for those who are in “high positions”.   He went on to say, “This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.”  They sometimes make decisions that frustrate us and anger us, but that doesn’t negate the passage we just read.  We still have a biblical responsibility to PRAY for them.  Take time, not just today, to lift them up to the Lord.  Pray they look to God for guidance and not make decisions based on their own thinking or the pressures of those around them.  Pray He fills them with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

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