Day 13- Depression

Day 13 - Depression

Depression is a battle many Americans deal with on a day to day basis.  It seems that many of them also do so alone ... behind closed doors ... without anyone even knowing.  It’s often a private journey they travel by themselves.  Let’s be honest.  In the day we now live, it’s easy for any of us to become discouraged, disheartened, and find ourselves ... DEPRESSED.  Even some of our favorite Bible characters experienced low seasons ... times of disappointment ... considered giving up.  The great prophet Elijah sat down under a juniper tree in the wilderness and literally told the Lord to take his life.  Elijah made the statement in vs. 4 of I Kings chapter 19, “It is enough!”  Have you ever thought the same, “It is enough!”, because you too felt like you couldn’t take any more?  If you’re depressed or feeling as though you’re dealing with bouts of depression, don’t isolate yourself and try to go it alone.  That’ll only make it worse.  There’s HELP and there’s HOPE!   No pit is so deep that the power of God can’t pull you out.   I Peter 5:7 says to cast ALL your cares on Him for He cares for you.   In Psalm 40, David said, “I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, set my feet on a rock, and established my goings.”   Reach out to somebody ... somebody that’ll encourage you ... somebody that’ll walk through it with you ... somebody that’ll PRAY with you.

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