Posts with the tag “the-avenue-church”

Day 21- Prosperity
by Andrew Long on January 21st, 2021
Day 21 - ProsperityOften when a person thinks of the word “prosperity”, the word “money” seems to be the next word he/she thinks of.   It’s almost as if the two words are one.  When we hear of someone who is prospering, we tend to think it has to do with “finances”.  Yes, we all want to prosper financially, but there’s much more to it than money.  Living well financially is just one of MANY ways t...  Read More
Day 20 - Evangelism and Outreach
by Andrew Long on January 20th, 2021
Day 20 - Evangelism and OutreachEvangelism and outreach are different, yet within the Christian faith and the church, they work hand in hand towards reaching the same goal.   EVANGELISM is defined as “the spreading of the Gospel through public preaching or personal witness”.   OUTREACH is a more a hands-extended, hands-on approach to meeting the “needs” of others.  Evangelism is geared more toward...  Read More
Day 19- Unsaved Loved Ones
by Andrew Long on January 19th, 2021
Day 19 - Unsaved Loved OnesThere’s nothing more heart-wrenching than the thought of a loved one missing Heaven and going to hell.  The thought of someone we love missing the rapture of the church and being left behind is painful. We don’t even want to think about it.   There are a lot of things in life where we pray once, we understand God heard it the first time, and then we let it go.  But, when...  Read More
Day 18- God’s Will
by Andrew Long on January 19th, 2021
Day 18 - Gods WillGods will!   What is that?  You may at least be asking, “What is God’s will for ... ME?”  Other questions people ponder are, “What is my PURPOSE?” or “Why am I here?”  Gods GENERAL will for everybody can be clearly seen if one just simply reads the Bible.  It’s His SPECIFIC will where people get confused and frustrated in their search.  Everybody wants to know what they’re suppos...  Read More
Day 17- Faith
by Andrew Long on January 17th, 2021
Day 17 - FaithThere’s much to be said about the topic of our prayer point today.   Many sermons, lessons, and devotions have been built around its truths.  Faith, or rather “KEEPING the faith”, can be challenging.  The attacks on our faith are not new, but they do seem to be increasing as time quickly marches on.  How important is it?  According to the Bible we are “saved through faith” ... we “he...  Read More
Day 16 - Confidence
by Andrew Long on January 16th, 2021
In Proverbs, chapter 3, the writer said, “The LORD will be your CONFIDENCE.”  I love that!  There are more people than we realize who seem to lack in the area of SELF-confidence.  Maybe things were said or done to them that brought pain, disappointment, and changed how THEY saw themselves.  Sometimes the lack of confidence in ourselves can be due to what’s called “suffer by COMPARISON”.  We look a...  Read More
Day 15- Peace
by Andrew Long on January 15th, 2021
Day 15 - PeaceOur prayer point for today seems to be one the most elusive things in a persons journey through life.   Peace!  Many people search for it their whole lives, only to come to the end of their road without ever finding it.  Why is that?  How many times in my life have I looked for something, only to discover I wasn’t looking in the right place? We’ve all done it.  Could it be that peace...  Read More
Day 14- Patience
by Andrew Long on January 14th, 2021
Day 14 - PatiencePATIENCE!  This is a tough one for more people than will actually admit it.  In the book of Galatians chapter 5, the Bible gives us a list of 9 things you and I as Christians are supposed to model.  It calls them FRUITS.  One of the fruits listed is “temperance”. In the New International Version of the Bible, it refers to it as “self-control”.  There are many things that try our p...  Read More
Day 13- Depression
by Andrew Long on January 13th, 2021
Day 13 - DepressionDepression is a battle many Americans deal with on a day to day basis.  It seems that many of them also do so alone ... behind closed doors ... without anyone even knowing.  It’s often a private journey they travel by themselves.  Let’s be honest.  In the day we now live, it’s easy for any of us to become discouraged, disheartened, and find ourselves ... DEPRESSED.  Even some of...  Read More
Day 12- Sufficiency
by Andrew Long on January 12th, 2021
Day 12 - SufficiencyWhen I think about the word “sufficiency”, I’m drawn to a passage my father quoted for years throughout many sermons.  It’s in II Corinthians 12:9 and it says, “My grace is SUFFICIENT for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  These were words spoken by the Lord to Paul.  At the time, Paul was experiencing a moment of trial in his life.  He had obviously prayed passio...  Read More
Day 11- Forgiveness
by Andrew Long on January 11th, 2021
Day 11 - ForgivenessThe act of forgiveness is very challenging for some because of the hurt and pain they carry from day to day.  Words were spoken, maybe even by a loved one, someone they trusted, that cut them to the core.  Many people slip into eternity, never forgiving someone or being forgiven by someone.   Our Savior showed us the greatest example of forgiveness on the very day He was put to...  Read More
Day 10- City/State/National Government Leaders
by Andrew Long on January 10th, 2021
Day 10 - City/State/National Government LeadersOur political leaders, whether local, state, or national always need us to lift them up in prayer, especially in the day we now live.  Every day they are faced with decisions that will be life-impacting for the American citizens they have been voted on or appointed to serve.  Their challenges are mounting as time presses on and the tasks don’t get any...  Read More
Day 9- Senior Adult Ministry
by Andrew Long on January 9th, 2021
Day 9 - Senior Adult MinistryThe seniors citizens of The Avenue are vital to the health and success of our church.  Many of them have poured their lives into the church, the ministries of the church, and are still doing so.  We never want our elderly to feel unneeded or unwanted.  Their prayers are genuine, powerful, and full of faith.  They are filled with wisdom, knowledge, and life experiences ...  Read More
Day 7 - Children/Youth/ College & Career Ministry
by Andrew Long on January 7th, 2021
Day 7 - Children/Youth/ College & Career MinistryIn the book of 1st Timothy, chapter 4, it says,  “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are YOUNG, but set an example for the believers in speech, and conduct, in love, and faith, and in purity.”  So often in churches, the young get overlooked, because they are seen as having nothing to contribute ... nothing to bring to the table.  On the c...  Read More
Day 6- Church Leadership
by Andrew Long on January 6th, 2021
Day 6 - Church LeadershipThere’s nothing easy nor simple about being a leader in a church, especially in the day we now live.  When anyone has ever asked me what it’s like to be a pastor/leader, I’ve always replied, “It’s challenging, yet rewarding, but the rewards always outweigh the challenges.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re standing behind the pulpit or serving in another area of the church,...  Read More
Day 5- Men's & Women's Ministries
by Andrew Long on January 5th, 2021
Day 5 - Men’s and Women’s MinistriesDavid said that a MAN who FEARS the Lord and delights greatly in His commandments will be blessed.   Another verse says that charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a WOMAN who FEARS the Lord is to be praised.  There’s a key word in both passages that seems to stand out ... a word that plays a vital part in defining what a “godly” man and a “godly” woman shou...  Read More
Day 4-Church Unity
by Andrew Long on January 4th, 2021
Day 4 - Church UnityScripture tells us in the book of Mark that a house divided against itself will not be able to stand.   Two days ago in our devotion on “spiritual revival”, we talked about the three keys to revival.  One of those keys was “unity”.  Whether it’s in a home, in the workplace, or in a church, there must be UNITY for God to work as He desires to work.  In his letter to the church a...  Read More
Day 3-Church Family
by Andrew Long on January 3rd, 2021
Day 3 of our Daily Encouragement-Church Family  Read More
Day 2-Spiritual Revival
by Andrew Long on January 2nd, 2021
Day 2 - Spiritual RevivalTo REVIVE something means to “restore it to life” ... bring it back ... give it new strength.  Revival is first personal.  Don’t wait on someone else to catch fire.  Seek to be renewed for YOURSELF.  I’ve always believed there are 3 keys to revival ... humility, unity, and repentance.  God is drawn to a heart of humility.  He said in II Chronicles 7:14 that He would hear f...  Read More
Day 1- Family
by Andrew Long on January 1st, 2021
Day 1 - My FamilyThis first day of the 21N21 push is very personal, because today we pray specifically for our own families.  I hold to the scripture that says, “As for me and MY HOUSE, we will serve the Lord.”   If you have family members who are unsaved ... claim them for Jesus Christ ... fight for their souls ... pray they turn to the Lord.  Parents, speak over your children’s lives ... speak f...  Read More