Day 9- Senior Adult Ministry
on January 9th, 2021
Day 9 - Senior Adult MinistryThe seniors citizens of The Avenue are vital to the health and success of our church.  Many of them have poured their lives into the church, the ministries of the church, and are still doing so.  We never want our elderly to feel unneeded or unwanted.  Their prayers are genuine, powerful, and full of faith.  They are filled with wisdom, knowledge, and life experiences ...  Read More
Day 8- Christian Education Department
on January 8th, 2021
Day 8 - Christian Education DepartmentToday, take time to pray for those in our church who TEACH the Word of God.  Whether it’s a child, a teenager, or an adult, we ALL need to be discipled and trained in scripture.  We have teachers at The Avenue who are passionate about helping people mature in their walk with Christ.  They take time weekly to pray and prepare. 1st Corinthians 12:28 says, “and G...  Read More
Day 7 - Children/Youth/ College & Career Ministry
on January 7th, 2021
Day 7 - Children/Youth/ College & Career MinistryIn the book of 1st Timothy, chapter 4, it says,  “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are YOUNG, but set an example for the believers in speech, and conduct, in love, and faith, and in purity.”  So often in churches, the young get overlooked, because they are seen as having nothing to contribute ... nothing to bring to the table.  On the c...  Read More
Day 6- Church Leadership
on January 6th, 2021
Day 6 - Church LeadershipThere’s nothing easy nor simple about being a leader in a church, especially in the day we now live.  When anyone has ever asked me what it’s like to be a pastor/leader, I’ve always replied, “It’s challenging, yet rewarding, but the rewards always outweigh the challenges.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re standing behind the pulpit or serving in another area of the church,...  Read More
Day 5- Men's & Women's Ministries
on January 5th, 2021
Day 5 - Men’s and Women’s MinistriesDavid said that a MAN who FEARS the Lord and delights greatly in His commandments will be blessed.   Another verse says that charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a WOMAN who FEARS the Lord is to be praised.  There’s a key word in both passages that seems to stand out ... a word that plays a vital part in defining what a “godly” man and a “godly” woman shou...  Read More
Day 4-Church Unity
on January 4th, 2021
Day 4 - Church UnityScripture tells us in the book of Mark that a house divided against itself will not be able to stand.   Two days ago in our devotion on “spiritual revival”, we talked about the three keys to revival.  One of those keys was “unity”.  Whether it’s in a home, in the workplace, or in a church, there must be UNITY for God to work as He desires to work.  In his letter to the church a...  Read More
Day 3-Church Family
on January 3rd, 2021
Day 3 of our Daily Encouragement-Church Family  Read More
Day 2-Spiritual Revival
on January 2nd, 2021
Day 2 - Spiritual RevivalTo REVIVE something means to “restore it to life” ... bring it back ... give it new strength.  Revival is first personal.  Don’t wait on someone else to catch fire.  Seek to be renewed for YOURSELF.  I’ve always believed there are 3 keys to revival ... humility, unity, and repentance.  God is drawn to a heart of humility.  He said in II Chronicles 7:14 that He would hear f...  Read More
Day 1- Family
on January 1st, 2021
Day 1 - My FamilyThis first day of the 21N21 push is very personal, because today we pray specifically for our own families.  I hold to the scripture that says, “As for me and MY HOUSE, we will serve the Lord.”   If you have family members who are unsaved ... claim them for Jesus Christ ... fight for their souls ... pray they turn to the Lord.  Parents, speak over your children’s lives ... speak f...  Read More
21 N 21 Daily Encouragement
on December 28th, 2020
21 N 21 is our 21 days of Prayer, Fasting and Scripture reading. We will post a daily emphasis and scripture reference to pray specifically about. 21 N  21 begins January 1st. We look forward to what God will do in and through us during this time of prayer and fasting....  Read More